Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Mid-Term Study Guide

* objectives of government
* equality of opportunity/equality of outcome
* autocracies/oligarchies/democracies
* substantive democracy
* procedural democracy
* main argument against the need for a bill of rights
* Marbury v Madison
* federalism(dual/cooperative)
* sovereignty
* McCulloch v Maryland
* public opinion
* polling/distribution
* party identification
* political socialization
* mass media
* functions of mass media
* "horse race" journalism
* journalistic "spin"
* conventional political participation
* unconventional political participation
* class action suit
* 13th,14th,15th amendments
* referendum
* education and voter turnout
* voter registration laws
* voter turnout
* political parties
* elections

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So I suppose there won't be an in class review before the midterm, huh?