Saturday, January 27, 2007

Government Leadership

United States Government Leadership

1. President - George W. Bush
2. Vice-President – Dick Cheney
3. National Security Adviser - Stephen Hadley
4. White House Chief of Staff - Josh Bolten
5. Senior Political Adviser - Karl Rove
6. Secretary of State - Condoleeza Rice
7. Secretary of Defense - Robert Gates
8. Secretary of the Treasury - Henry Paulson, Jr.
9. Attorney General - Alberto Gonzales
10. Secretary of Homeland Security - Michael Chertoff
11. Director of the FBI - Robert Mueller
12. Director of CIA - Gen. Michael Hayden
13. Senate Majority Leader - Harry Reid – D – Nevada
14. Senate Majority Whip - Dick Durbin – D – Illinois
15. Senate Minority Leader - Mitch McConnell – R – Kentucky
16. Senate Minority Whip - Trent Lott – R – Mississippi
17. President Pro Tempore - Robert Byrd – D – West Virginia
18. Speaker of the House - Nancy Pelosi – D- California
19. House Majority Leader - Stenny Hoyer – D – Maryland
20. House Majority Whip - James Clyburn – D – South Carolina
21. House Minority Leader - John Boehner – R – Ohio
22. House Minority Whip - Roy Blunt – R - Missouri

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