Thursday, March 15, 2007

Study Guide Ch 15/16 Test

Study Guide
Chapter 15/16 Test
Definition of civil rights and civil liberties

26th Amendment

Gideon v Wainwright

Establishment clause – 1st Amendment

Free-exercise clause – 1st Amendment

Lemon v Kurtzman 1971 – 3 prong Lemon test

WV State Bd of Ed v Barnette

22nd Amendment

Strict scrutiny

Prior restraint

Brandenburg v Ohio 1969

Standard for judging obscenity

Freedom of speech regarding criticism of public figures

NY Times v US 1971

Incorporation – due process clause 14th Amendment

Miranda warnings

Exclusionary rule

Griswold v CT, 1965

Roe v Wade, 1973

Bowers v Hardwicke, 1986

Brown v Bd of Ed, 1954

Brown v Bd. of Ed, 1955

25th Amendment

Bakke v California, 1978

Adarand Constructors v Pena, 1995

Equality of opportunity

Equality of outcome

13th Amendment

14th Amendment

15th Amendment

Plessy v Ferguson, 1896

Constitutional justification for the Civil Rights Act of 1964

19th Amendment

US v Virginia, 1996

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