Tuesday, December 5, 2006

ch 7 & 8 study guide


Conventional participation
Unconventional participation
Political efficacy
Standard socioeconomic model
Political party
Party platform
Multi-party system
Bolter (splinter) party
Structuring the voting choice

1. goals of the militaia movement

2. political institutions and stability

level of govt from which most attention is demanded

class action suit

voting qualifications and expansion of suffrage

Smith v Allwright, 1944

responsibility for voter enfranchisement

women’s suffrage



characteristics of non-voters

effect of elections on power and authority of the state

Ross Perot’s main political asset in the ’92 election was his personal wealth

attitude of America’s toward political parties

why did parties develop new methods for nominating candidates?

critical election

election of 1896

most important function of third parties

Congressional Campaign Committees

effect of primary elections on party strength

relationship between national party committees and state and local affiliates

Party loyalty in Congress since the ‘70’s

Functions of elections

Political organization, conventional or unconventional

Programs and policies of the two major parties, and the coalitions that support them

Principles of responsible party government

Organization and structure of the major political parties and internal changes in the last 30-35 years

1 comment:

karen said...

thanks so much for posting a study guide! I hope I can finally get 100% in this test!